The government sustained efforts to investigate trafficking offenses, but did not convict any labor or sex
traffickers. The government prohibits all forms of trafficking through a 2008 human trafficking act, amended in
2013, which prescribes penalties up to life imprisonment; these penalties are sufficiently stringent and
commensurate with punishments prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape.The law broadly defines sexual
exploitation, including the sexual abuse of children, and conflates possession or creation of child pornography
with human trafficking, making law enforcement statistics unreliable. Authorities introduced a bill in 2014
criminalizing the purchase of sexual services from victims.
Authorities initiated investigations of 79 new trafficking-related cases in 2014, an increase from 56 in 2013.
Forty investigations did not result in the identification of trafficking victims, while the other 39 cases involved
a total of 46 suspected victims.The majority of suspected victims in these cases were identified in sexual
exploitation. Authorities investigated cases involving seven suspected victims of labor trafficking, four suspected
victims of forced criminality, one suspected victim of forced begging, and one suspected victim of both sex and
labor trafficking. Police initiated a review of 13 individuals charged with drug-related offenses for work in
cannabis cultivation to establish whether they were trafficking victims. In 2014, the majority of prosecutions
under the anti-trafficking act involved the sexual abuse of children as opposed to trafficking as defined under the
2000 UNTIP Protocol, though authorities initiated the prosecution of one suspected trafficker for the sex
trafficking of Nigerian girls.The government did not report any criminal convictions for sex trafficking or forced
labor in 2014. In 2014, the High Court denied the appeal of a Chinese man previously sentenced for cannabis
cultivation who contested his imprisonment on the grounds of being a trafficking victim compelled to engage in
unlawful activity. While the judge found the man was kept in a condition of servitude under threats of violence,
the judge found there was no evidence the man was “trafficked into the state,” a finding that appeared to place
additional burdens of proof not required by the 2008 law. The government did not report any investigations,
prosecutions, convictions, or sentencing of government officials for alleged complicity in trafficking offenses. In
2014, authorities provided anti-trafficking training to 131 police officers and hosted a two- day anti-trafficking
seminar for 120 senior police officers. Law enforcement cooperated with the governments of Romania, the United
Kingdom, and the Netherlands on trafficking investigations.
The government maintained victim protection efforts. Under the national referral mechanism, victims must be
referred to law enforcement before shelter, health, and legal services can be provided. Authorities identified 45
suspected trafficking victims in 2014, compared with 44 in 2013. Of the 45 suspected victims, 13 were children.
Fifteen suspected victims were from Romania, eight from Brazil, eight from Ireland, and the rest from Eastern
Europe, Africa, and South Asia. While the majority of individuals were potential victims of sexual exploitation,
seven were potentially exploited in labor trafficking, four in forced criminal activity, one in forced begging, and
one in both sex and labor trafficking. Authorities did not report how many suspected victims were ultimately
confirmed to be trafficking victims. Civil society organizations identified some sex trafficking victims who may
have chosen not to be referred to authorities; for example, an NGO working with women in prostitution reported
assisting 83 sex trafficking victims in 2013, the last year for which this data was available. NGOs lacked formal
and defined roles in the victim identification process and reported delays and a lack of transparency in the
process. Decisions on victim status by law enforcement could not be appealed, and NGOs reported not being offered
explanations of denials.
The national referral mechanism included formal procedures guiding the provision of services. All foreign adult
victims from countries outside the EU were offered lodging in the government- operated network of 34 asylum
reception centers. Child victims were supported through child protection services. Irish adult victims could
receive services through general social welfare and health service channels. In 2014, officials completed
individual care plans for 20 suspected sex trafficking victims and 19 suspected labor trafficking victims that
covered medical care, psychological care, lodging, legal assistance, and education and training.The government
provided 172,000 euro ($209,000) to an NGO for assistance for sex trafficking victims and 4,000 euro ($4,870) to an
NGO to assist labor trafficking victims.This level of support was similar to the prior year, but NGOs believed it
was inadequate. Reception centers provided access to health services, psychological care, and vocational training.
NGOs reported concerns with lack of privacy, inadequate security, and the remote locations of some of these centers
and asserted the mixed gender nature of the centers was not appropriate for sex trafficking victims.Trafficking
victims seeking asylum may have had to reside in asylum residence centers for two to four years while asylum
processes were ongoing.The referral tracking system did not allow social workers to verify whether the full range
of services for which victims were eligible had actually been provided.
The government provided identified, non-EU trafficking victims a 60-day reflection period before deciding whether
to assist law enforcement, a period during which victims were prohibited from working. Two victims received
reflection periods in 2014. Authorities granted 16 foreign victims six-month temporary residence permission in
2014; 13 of these victims received the permission without requiring a prior reflection period. Seven victims were
offered long-term permission to remain in the country for cooperating with law enforcement. Though trafficking
victims were permitted to seek legal employment while in temporary residency status, asylum seekers could not work.
Six potential trafficking victims identified in 2014 had previously requested asylum in Ireland. In 2014, the
employment appeals tribunal awarded 80,000 euro ($97,300) each to three Filipina domestic
workers previously employed by the former ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Ireland.The women reported
indicators of forced labor, including the retention of passports and severe underpayment of wages. The government
offered free legal aid to all suspected trafficking victims, but not all eligible individuals used the aid; in
2014, 16 suspected victims did so. As early legal representation was not available, some victims faced challenges
navigating the immigration system and lacked representation during the investigation process. NGOs continued to
report that Asian victims of forced labor in cannabis production were prosecuted and convicted for crimes committed
as a result of being subjected to trafficking.The government reported taking steps to make police and prosecutors
aware of the possible victimization of individuals involved in cannabis cultivation and appointed an NGO to provide
expert advice in possible cases, but did not report identifying any such individuals as trafficking victims in