The government demonstrated uneven law enforcement efforts, as resource constraints and a lack of capacity and
training hindered anti-trafficking efforts. Lebanon’s 2011 anti-trafficking law prohibits all forms of human
trafficking. Prescribed penalties for sex trafficking and forced labor range from five to 15 years’ imprisonment,
which are sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape.
However, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) reported the law was applied unevenly, as most judges were unfamiliar with
it and did not understand the crime.
The government remained without an explicit law to prohibit and punish employers or labor agents from confiscating
workers’ passports or travel documents; NGOs and government officials continued to report most employers withhold
workers’ passports. Nonetheless, in an unprecedented ruling in June 2014 involving a Filipina domestic worker who
left her employer before completing her work contract, a judge required the employer to return the worker’s
confiscated passport and travel documents; the employer was not, however, investigated or charged for trafficking
In October 2014, the government issued a ministerial decree creating an anti-trafficking bureau under the Internal
Security Forces (ISF) to manage all trafficking investigations. ISF investigated five cases of trafficking, while
the Directorate of General Security (DGS) investigated 78 suspected cases of trafficking involving nonpayment of
wages, physical abuse, and rape or sexual abuse. MOJ referred cases involving 89 suspected traffickers to the
public prosecutor’s office for further investigation. Officials charged 72 of these individuals under the
anti-trafficking law for alleged forced prostitution, forced labor, and forced child begging. The government
obtained convictions for six traffickers in cases initiated in 2014; the remaining cases were still under
investigation at the end of the reporting period. In two cases initiated prior to this reporting period, four
defendants were convicted in October and November 2014 under the anti-trafficking law for forced child begging; one
of the perpetrators was a victim’s mother. All four perpetrators received sentences of 10 years’ imprisonment and
other penalties. Nonetheless, government officials reported security forces were reluctant to arrest parents for
trafficking their children due to a lack of social services available should the child be removed from the family.
Overall, these law enforcement efforts mark a significant increase from the 14 prosecutions and zero convictions
reported in 2013.The government cooperated with the Government of Liberia and investigated two Lebanese citizens
who allegedly forced 10 Liberian women into domestic servitude in Lebanon; however, the investigative judge dropped
the charges against the suspects because of the lack of witness testimony. The government did not report any
investigations, prosecutions, or convictions of government officials complicit in human trafficking offenses;
however, NGOs continued to report DGS officers accepted bribes to protect adult nightclubs or issue artiste visas.
Though there was no evidence these officers were directly involved in trafficking, one DGS official was fired in
2014 for sexually abusing a trafficking victim; the official was not, however, investigated further or prosecuted
for any criminal offense. The government provided anti-trafficking training for officials, but the breadth and
scope was inadequate to fully address the problem in Lebanon. In September 2014, the DGS began conducting weekly
awareness sessions for its personnel, while the ISF conducted intermittent training and the Lebanese army
instituted anti-trafficking training for soldiers in 2014.
The government made limited progress in victim identification and protection efforts and remained without a formal
system for proactive victim identification among vulnerable populations. Though the government, in coordination
with a local NGO, developed and distributed formal victim identification procedures to officials in October 2014,
these procedures were not systematically utilized. The government did not consistently protect victims from crimes
committed as a direct result of being subjected to human trafficking, but it demonstrated some improvements in its
protection efforts in the reporting period. Domestic workers
who fled abusive employers, out-of-status migrant workers, women holding artiste visas, and persons in
prostitution were often arrested, detained, and deported without being screened for trafficking. In September 2014,
an international organization reported authorities detained and failed to refer to protection services a Syrian
child in prostitution. Investigative judges sometimes ordered incarceration of sex trafficking victims for
prostitution violations, despite ISF officers having identified them as victims. DGS maintained a 500-person
detention center in Beirut for illegal foreign migrants, many of whom were unidentified trafficking victims.While
DGS did not proactively identify victims within the detention center, it permitted an NGO to do so, which continued
to report an increased level of professionalism among DGS officials and investigators.
The government did not directly provide protection services to trafficking victims, but it continued to rely on an
NGO safe house to provide various services to female trafficking victims; DGS was required to refer victims to the
safe house and provide security for the location.The safe house assisted 117 trafficking victims in 2014, twelve of
whom were identified and referred by DGS and ISF. DGS also identified and referred to protection services 10
Liberian victims of domestic servitude; upon the victims’ requests, DGS repatriated all 10 victims in March 2015.
Additionally, the ISF anti-trafficking bureau identified 33 potential victims of sexual exploitation and child
trafficking in cases officials referred to the judiciary. In January 2015, the government signed a one-year
memorandum of understanding with a local NGO to provide protection services to trafficking victims; however, this
agreement did not include allocation of government funding in support of the NGO’s provision of care.Though victims
were permitted to file civil suits against their traffickers, government officials did not undertake a policy to
explicitly encourage victims to participate in criminal prosecution of trafficking offenders.Victims who chose
voluntary repatriation were often without the option for legal redress because they were not present in the country
to testify.The government did not provide temporary or permanent residence status or other relief from deportation
for foreign trafficking victims who face retribution or hardship in the countries to which they would be deported.
The government did not adopt the draft labor law amendment extending legal protections to foreign workers nor the
draft law providing increased labor protections to domestic workers.
The government made limited efforts to prevent trafficking.The national anti-trafficking action plan was not
formally adopted, yet relevant ministries took efforts to implement the plan.The national anti-trafficking
committee did not meet during the reporting period and inter-ministerial coordination remained inadequate.
Nevertheless, the government, in partnership with anti-trafficking advocates, conducted trafficking awareness
campaigns in shopping centers and through television advertisements. DGS officers at Beirut International Airport
continued to distribute booklets and return passports directly to migrant domestic workers upon their arrival. DGS
and the Ministry of Labor (MOL) continued to operate hotlines to receive complaints, including for trafficking
crimes, but it was unclear how many trafficking victims were identified through these hotlines. In 2014, the DGS
also established a hotline specifically for women working in the adult entertainment industry and those who obtain
artiste visas; DGS conducted interviews and provided the hotline number to these women before they entered this
sector. DGS continued a program that distributed