The government sustained modest efforts to prevent trafficking in persons.The government’s anti-trafficking
taskforce held monthly meetings and began implementation of the country’s national action plan; however, there was
no regular operating budget allocated to the taskforce, hindering the effective implementation of the plan.The
Ministry of Labor continued to support anti-trafficking awareness campaigns through radio public service messages
and billboards. During the reporting period, the government conducted training for law enforcement, community
leaders, and civil society to raise public awareness on human trafficking.The government did not make any
discernible efforts to reduce the demand for forced labor or commercial sex acts during the reporting period. The
government provided anti-trafficking training or guidance for its diplomatic personnel.
LIBYA: Tier 3
Due to large-scale violence driven by militias, civil unrest, and increased lawlessness in Libya that worsened in
2014, accurate information on human trafficking became increasingly difficult to obtain—in part due to the
withdrawal of most diplomatic missions, international organizations, and NGOs from the country. Trafficking victims
or those vulnerable to trafficking, such as migrant workers, who remain in the country may be vulnerable to
increased violence. In February 2015, the media reported 15,000 Egyptian migrant laborers had fled Libya following
the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Libya is a destination and transit country for men and women from sub-Saharan Africa and Asia subjected to forced
labor and forced prostitution. Migrants seeking employment in Libya as laborers or domestic workers or who transit
Libya en route to Europe are vulnerable to trafficking. In 2014, an international organization reported Syrian
nationals temporarily residing in Sudan preferred to travel through Libya en route to Italy with the use of
smugglers; these Syrians are at risk of trafficking. In February 2015, the media reported a Russian trafficking
network brought hundreds of Bangladeshi nationals via Libya to Italy, where they subsequently endured forced labor.
Prostitution rings reportedly subject sub-Saharan women to sex trafficking in brothels, particularly in southern
Libya. Nigerian women are at heightened risk of being forced into prostitution, while Eritreans, Sudanese, and
Somalis are at risk of being subjected to forced labor in Libya.Trafficking networks reaching into Libya from
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, and other sub-Saharan states subject migrants to forced labor and
forced prostitution following fraudulent recruitment, confiscation of identity and travel documents, withholding or
nonpayment of wages, and debt bondage. One 2014 account indicated criminal groups recruited Sudanese migrants to
Libya through false job offers and subsequently forced them to work in agriculture with little or no pay. Private
employers in Libya mobilize detained migrants—from prisons and detention centers, including some under the
of the previous interim government—for forced labor on farms or construction sites; when the work is completed
or the employers no longer require the migrants’ labor, employers return them to detention. In previous years,
migrants paid smuggling fees to reach Tripoli, often under false promises of employment or eventual transit to
Europe. Once these victims crossed the Libyan border, they were sometimes abandoned in southern cities or even the
desert, where they were susceptible to severe forms of abuse and human trafficking. Since 2013, numerous reports
indicate militias and irregular armed groups, including some affiliated with the government, conscript Libyan
children under the age of 18.
The Government of Libya does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is
not making significant efforts to do so; therefore Libya is placed on Tier 3.The government’s capacity to address
human trafficking was significantly hindered during the reporting period as it struggled to consolidate control
over its territory and counter militia and extremist violence. Courts in major cities throughout the country ceased
to function in 2014, preventing efforts to investigate trafficking crimes or bring trafficking offenders to
justice. The government did not identify or provide protection services to victims of trafficking, while
authorities continued to punish victims for unlawful acts that were committed as a direct result of being subjected
to human trafficking. As in previous years, the government did not address reports of detained foreign migrants
being sold into forced labor with the complicity of prison and detention center guards. It failed to prevent and
provide protection to children under the age of 18 who were recruited and used by militia groups, some of which are
affiliated with the government.
Ensure children are not used and recruited into government and government-affiliated armed forces, and protect
children who were recruited into these forces; build law enforcement capacity to investigate, prosecute, and
convict trafficking offenders, including officials who are complicit in human trafficking and the recruitment of
child soldiers; enact legislation that prohibits all forms of human trafficking; protect detained migrants from
being sold into forced labor, and develop and implement standard procedures on identifying trafficking victims and
providing victims with protection; ensure trafficking victims are not punished for unlawful acts committed as a
direct result of being subjected to human trafficking, such as immigration or prostitution violations; provide
anti-trafficking training to law enforcement and judicial officials; and undertake an information campaign to raise
public awareness about forced labor and sex trafficking.
The government did not conduct anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts. Libyan law does not prohibit all forms of
human trafficking. Articles in the penal code prohibit trafficking of women for the purposes of prostitution,
sexual exploitation, and slavery, and child sex trafficking; however, the articles do not address forced labor, nor
are they applicable to men. Though draft amendments to
Articles 336-339 of the criminal code would criminalize trafficking in persons, the amendments remained pending
since first drafted in 2010.The judicial system was not functioning in 2014 due to militia and extremist violence.
Though the Ministry of Interior was nominally responsible for anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts, it was
unable to carry out any operations, including those against trafficking, during the majority of the reporting
period. Therefore, the government did not investigate, prosecute, or convict any trafficking offenders. Despite
allegations of complicity, the government did not report any investigations, prosecutions, or convictions of
government officials complicit in trafficking offenses. As in the previous reporting period, the government did not
investigate or punish prison officials and detention camp guards who allowed private employers to force detained
migrants to work on farms or construction sites.The government did not take efforts to investigate or punish
government-aligned militias or other armed groups that recruited and used child soldiers. The government did not
provide anti-trafficking training for officials.