government’s funding for and provision of protective services remained inadequate.
Increase efforts to prosecute and convict suspected trafficking offenders; finalize and implement the national
action plan, and issue regulations necessary to implement the protection and prevention provisions of the 2008
anti-trafficking law; institute a unified system for collecting trafficking case data; investigate reports of
official complicity in trafficking crimes and vigorously prosecute cases against those implicated in trafficking
offenses; build the capacity of the police anti-trafficking unit, the labor inspectorate, and the Women and
Children’s Victim Assistance Units to investigate trafficking cases and provide short-term protection to victims;
develop a formal system to identify proactively trafficking victims among vulnerable populations; monitor the
reported growth of commercial sex in Tete and Cabo Delgado provinces and train officials to investigate and
prosecute those facilitating child or forced prostitution; expand the availability of protective services for
victims via increased funding to the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Action and NGOs; continue training
law enforcement officers in victim identification, particularly at border points; consider establishment of an
inter-ministerial body to coordinate anti-trafficking efforts nationwide; and launch anti-trafficking awareness
campaigns in additional municipalities and provinces outside Maputo and Beira.
The government maintained strong anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts.The Law on Preventing and Combating the
Trafficking of People, enacted in 2008, prohibits recruiting or facilitating the exploitation of a person for
purposes of prostitution, forced labor, slavery, or involuntary debt servitude.Article 10 prescribes penalties of
16 to 20 years’ imprisonment for these offenses, which are sufficiently stringent and exceed those prescribed for
other serious crimes, such as rape. In 2014, the government enacted a new penal code, which includes prohibitions
on involuntary commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor of men and women.The government continued to
manually compile anti-trafficking law enforcement data; however, it did not provide case-specific details. During
the year, the government initiated investigation of 27 trafficking cases and began prosecution of 44 suspected
traffickers. It convicted 32 offenders under the 2008 anti-trafficking law, all of whom received prison terms from
two to 20 years. These efforts are indicative of the government’s continued commitment to hold offenders
accountable, given the conviction of 24 trafficking offenders in 2013 and 23 in 2012. As the 2008 anti-trafficking
law includes prohibitions against organ trafficking, which is known to exist in Mozambique, these law enforcement
efforts likely included cases beyond sex and labor trafficking.
The government, in partnership with international organizations, continued to offer an anti-trafficking course for
all newly recruited
police officers, border guards, customs and immigration agents, and rapid intervention (riot) police.The course
covered recognition of trafficking cases, protection of victims, child rights, and child custody law, and became a
permanent component of the training curriculum during the year. Mozambican officials hosted a national debate on
combating trafficking for traditional leaders, border authorities, police, and NGOs; however, investigative
techniques, training, capacity, and forensic abilities continued to be weak, particularly outside of the capital.
The government did not report any investigations, prosecutions, or convictions of government officials complicit in
trafficking. During the year, Mozambican officials held cross-border meetings with officials from South Africa’s
Mpumalanga provincial anti-trafficking task team to discuss the repatriation of child trafficking victims.
The government maintained limited efforts to protect victims of trafficking. It lacked formal victim identification
procedures and did not report the number of victims identified and assisted during the year. Officials continued to
rely on NGOs to provide shelter, counseling, food, and rehabilitation to victims, and offered only limited in-kind
government support. The government assumed direct budget responsibility for the country’s only permanent shelter
for child trafficking victims, including staff salaries, and provided psychologists to coordinate family
reunification and assistance for an unknown number of trafficking victims, but continued to utilize technical and
financial support from international organizations for victim support.
Officials continued to operate facilities in more than 215 police stations and 22 “Victims of Violence” centers
throughout the country offering temporary shelter, food, limited counseling, and monitoring following reintegration
for victims of crime; however, it remained unclear whether trafficking victims benefited from these services in
2014. The anti-trafficking law requires police protection for victims assisting in the investigation and
prosecution of trafficking offenders; however, it is unclear if such protections were utilized during the year. The
Ministry of Justice’s 2013 draft action plan to guide the efforts for victims’ protection and outline
implementation of the 2012 witness protection law—including trafficking victims who cooperate with law
enforcement—remained unfinished and unimplemented for the second consecutive year.The multi-sectorial care
mechanism, approved in 2012 to coordinate referral and protection for female victims of violence, appeared to
remain inoperative in 2014.The government did not provide temporary residency status or legal alternatives to the
removal of foreign victims to countries where they might face hardship or retribution. The lack of formal
identification procedures precluded the government from ensuring no trafficking victims were inadvertently
penalized detained, fined, or jailed for unlawful acts committed as a result of having been subjected to
The government demonstrated modest efforts to prevent trafficking in persons. During the year, the government did
not make progress in finalizing or submitting for approval the national anti-trafficking action plan or
implementing regulations. Although the government lacked a single national body to coordinate anti- trafficking
efforts across ministries, the attorney general’s office continued to demonstrate leadership in overseeing national
anti-trafficking efforts; it partnered with provincial governments to establish inter-ministerial “reference
groups” in three remaining
provinces, which enabled complete national coverage. Consisting of local officials, police, border guards, social
workers, NGOs, and faith-based organizations, the “reference groups” served to coordinate regional efforts to
address trafficking and other crimes. In 2014, government officials, in partnership with an NGO, conducted an
awareness campaign for 150 members of a transportation association on how to recognize and report suspected
trafficking cases. It also hosted seven anti-trafficking lectures for 600 government and civil sector personnel,
which were coupled with training sessions on organ trafficking. Although the Ministry of Labor acknowledged that
child labor is pervasive and often abusive, it employed an inadequate number of labor inspectors, who lacked
training and resources to adequately monitor for child trafficking and other labor violations, especially on farms
in rural areas. The government failed to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts during the year. It did not
provide anti-trafficking training or guidance for its diplomatic personnel.